Remote Wire for Amp Not Working [Reason & 4 Way to Fix]

To turn on the amp, remote wire conveniences the process greatly. This remote wire is made to function from remote places to turn on the amp. As long as the wire has power, you can make your amp turn on by the remote wire.

But things get complicated when you observe that the remote wire for Amp not working. There could be a lot of reasons that you fail to make your amp turn not by the remote wire. Among them, the primal reason could be that you haven’t placed the wire in the right place.

Remote Wire for Amp Not Working

However, the power of the wire also can cause you the same trouble. So, you need to know the cause of why your remote wire is not working, and then you can fix it by taking the proper steps.

 Why is Remote Wire Not Working?

There can be a lot of bad remote wire symptoms. You need to find them out to make the amp work again. As a remote wire of an amp behaves like almost a light switch, they work with the proper amount of power. Only then you can be successful. However, the reasons your remote wire is not are given below.

a) Poor Remote Wire Connection –

Poor connection of the remote wire causes the amp not to turn on at all. This connection problem can happen because of the replacement problems of the amp. If the amp carries several connections including remote wire and power cords, then a poor connection happens.

A remote wire should be accompanied by other several connections. Otherwise, the remote wire fails to receive power and consequently cannot help the amp to turn on.

b) Power Problem in the Remote Wire –

Power Problem in the Remote Wire

Another significant and probable problem is your remote wire is not getting enough power to switch on the amp. A test light will reveal if your remote wire is still alive or dead. And to read how much voltage the wire is passing, bring a volt meter.

A remote wire is meant to receive and pass 12V power. And you can read this at the amp using that volt meter. If you see less voltage passing through the wire, then it is the reason your amp is not turning on.

c) Deck Problem –

The wires of an amp are placed behind a back, generally. This placement might cause the problem too. If your amp is connected with the wrong wire instead of the remote wire, then it is evident that the amp will not work. So, you need to check the behind of your deck too.

d) Improper and Weak Grounding –

An amp always requires a strong and powerful ground to work properly. Otherwise, the remote wire also does not get the connection to make the amp turn on. The current that runs because of the poor grounding is so much harmful.

Also, poor grounding for the amp inspires the remote wire to make the amp produce noises and sounds. Because a weak grounding affects the remote wire too, you should check this problem too.

e) Blown Fuse –

Check Blown Fuse

It happens that when your remote wire cannot achieve the determined power then it blows the fuse. This type of incident is very much common with an amp. Therefore, you need to be careful. Otherwise, you might have to spend an extra penny to bring a new fuse.

Also, in this circumstance, checking the fuse box is more important than checking the wired remote. Test the wall outlet’s remote wire for the amp diagram and check if it is receiving the right voltage of power.

Turn On Amp without a Remote Wire:

If you see your amp is not working due to several problems regarding the remote wire, you can still make the amp turn on. In crucial moments, you might not have enough time to bring an examiner to examine the whole problem. For those moments, you need to be prepared with some effective methods. These methods will teach you to make your amp work on time.

1) Unplug and Plug the Amp Fuse –

The first attempt with which you can make your amp turn on is to check the amp fuse. Many times the fuse gets blown and then the amp does not want to turn on. This same thing happens with almost all types of amps. Consequently, the remote wire for an amp to the fuse box loses its power of workability.

Once you find the fuse box, you need to open it. Generally, the fuse box remains attached or almost close to the amp. You just need to troubleshoot to make the fuse workable again. For this, after finding the fuse box, open it. And then, pull out the fuse.

This will make the amp and other connections dead for some time. After some time when you will again place the fuse in its place, the whole process will be reset. And then there is a strong chance that your amp is working again after this fresh slate.

2) Adopt a New Wire –

This second method is a little bit tricky. You need to trick your amp by giving it a sudden shock. First, adopt a wire and then go near the fuse box of the amp. Identify the positive terminal of the fuse box and then attach the end of the adopted wire to it.

After that, you need to attach the other side of the wire to the input of the remote wire. Then, try to switch on the device with which you have attached your amp. Turn the volume high of your amp at this moment.

The moment the speakers of the device start to make a sound, switch off the device. This sudden deed will trick the amp and the adopted wire will thoroughly receive power to make the remote wire efficient to turn on the amp. The head unit helps in the sudden surge and thus you get your amp back again.

3) Adopt an Alternative Off/On Switch –

If the remote wire of your amp often causes problems, then you can take an alternative step. Bring a switch with an off-and-on option with it. You can find it in any local electronic store near your house. This is an easy option for those who need to on and off the amp every now and then with the amp remote wire switch and its voltage power.

After purchasing the switch, you need to connect it to the amp to make it function. Once you place the switch with the power source and between its negative and positive terminals, the switch will start to work.

This whole process makes your work easier. Just click the button and see your amp being turned on and off within seconds.

4) Connect a Wire of Power Antenna –

Connect a Wire of Power Antenna

Many amps come with a setting where the head unit makes the amp turn on or off. This automatic feature eases the process of turning on the amp to the greatest extent, as you don’t have to do it manually. Also, this feature saves your amp from the extra pressure of power too.

That is why, as an alternative to turning on an amp, you can enable this feature. First, you need to identify the input of your remote wire. Then connect it to the power antenna of the head unit and its speaker.

You need to cut the insulation to get a better result from the wires. In the next step, you need to run the wires together for an effective voltage of power. The power antenna wire and the remote wire’s input will make the head unit turn on. Consequently, the amp will be turned on too. Thus, you will have a great sound coming from the amps.

In these ways, you can get the full advantage of your amp if the remote wire stops working suddenly. Some of these methods might be a little time-consuming. But these methods are, for the sure, cost-effective and fruitful big time.

Final Words: An amp is certainly an important device in your room, car, or studio. Problems might pop up regarding the remote wire of the amp. But you shouldn’t be demotivated. Rather, take steps and make your amp run again. Now, you know how to solve this problem if your remote wire for Amp not working properly.

FAQs –

Question 1: Will an amp work without a remote wire?

Answer: An amp will work without the connection of a remote wire. But for this, you need to adopt some different techniques. Connect the wire with the main supply or power antenna. The power wire comes with 12V and you need to connect it to the head units. Thus you will be able to turn on the amp without a power remote.

Question 2: Can the remote wire cause the amp not to turn on?

Answer: Yes, it is one of the most probable problems with all types of amps. The remote wire stops working if it loses its connection with the amp. Also, if the wire gets less than 12v power or less than that, then the amp does not want to turn on too.

Question 3: What fuse to connect the remote wire to the amp?

Answer: You cannot let the remote wire have any amount of power or fuse to receive. It can blow the whole internal system of the amp. Only an amp fuse is accurate for the remote to connect to the amp.

Question 4: Can you run the amp remote wire to the battery?

Answer: You can run an amp remote wire to a battery. But the idea is a little risky yet effective. By connecting the remote of an amp directly to the power source of the battery, you can make them run together. As the remote wire comes with a low amp fuse, it does not affect the power wire.

Last Updated on March 31, 2023 by Perry Garner

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